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Kes 3,000

(Billed monthly)


  • Core functions

  • Financial record keeping

  • Bulk communications (SMS and Email)

  • Handle up to 450 members


Kes 4,000

(Billed monthly)

All basic features plus:

  • Standard mobile app for members

  • Events, announcements, posts and other member engagement tools

  • Role-based access control for portal access

  • Basic analytics and statistical information

  • Handle up to 700 members


Kes 7,000

(Billed monthly)

All premium features plus:

  • Custom mobile app for members

  • Integration with third party tools

  • Customisable portal domain

  • Handle up to 1,500 members


Kes 17,400

(Billed monthly)

All advanced features plus:

  • Unlimited storage size for churh data

  • Advanced and tailored integration with third party tools

  • Advanced and extensive analytics and statistical information

  • Handle unlimited members


We accept


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